Last Monday Jay Wilson randomly announced via Twitter that they had doubled the monster damage for levels 1-13. This kindled a lot of positive feedback in the community as the…
When playing the World of the Warcraft game the most needed thing is the time. In order to enjoy the game you should spend hours to play the game every…
Yesterday, one of Sony Online Entertainment’s venerable titles, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, began utilizing a hybrid free to play-subscription model. We had the opportunity to sit down with Creative Director…
The cherry on top of all of this: Guild Wars 2 will have a much milder death penalty.Players who have recently been downed several times will take longer to revive…
Europe in Berlin, London, Madrid, Spain, Russia, Moscow, Paris, France, Netherlands, Rotterdam, Stockholm, Sweden, the night of 7-10 for 6 points. It can be said, Wow Gold has gradually turned…
Barbily Games has announced the arrival of enhanced 3D graphics. After responding to player feedback, the dev team has been hard at work enhancing the graphics to make the game…
When freak natural disasters began rocking much of Azeroth just prior to the Cataclysm, the dwarves lands were not spared from the calamitous upheavals. A series of violent quakes tore…
“If we could have done anything different, we probably wouldn’t have announced the game when we did,†saidWilson. “We could have waited a little longer. We thought we were closer…
The names and function of the stats changed several times during development as well. Ironically, after experimentation with up to five attributes, including a system where each attribute granted more…