Helping out is actually pretty common in the Guild Wars 2 community. Sure, we have a good laugh but by helping out new players we may be helping create a…
In a new developer blog post on the Line of Defense site, Derek Smart lays out details about the size of the game’s universe and how many players he expects…
The Warhammer Online Herald has been updated with information indicating that the Wild Hunt has been extended until September 14th. The extension is due to the disabling the Live Event…
 The Chrono Tales open beta is scheduled to kick off today, Tuesday, January 29th. The open beta comes with a level cap increase and a new high-level…
Blizzard Entertainment has released a brand new trailer for the upcoming World of Warcraft Cataclysm expansion set to launch on December 7th. The trailer is a reward to valiant players…
From today through October 31st, both Horde and Alliance World of Warcraft players will have the opportunity to participate in the annual Hallow’s End event. There are special quests such…
Join us for this week’s The List as we share our picks for our favorite Diablo III classes (so far!).our prestigious company will fullfill any diablo 3 gold transaction with…
Scribes weave words of power into glyphs that can improve heroes’ skills and abilities, and add special effects not possible by normal means. By transferring their powers into ink, scribes…
The grain turned many of the inhabitants into undead soldiers directly commanded by the Lich King and began to spread the plague turning the living into the, well, un-living. World…
Washington, January 14, 2007 — Prior to the November 7 midterm elections, many political analysts wondered how President Bush would handle the last two years of his presidency if the…