. When encountering untransformed Vessels, it's in your best interest to kill them as fast as possible -- but trying to accomplish this can put you in the center of…
extensive character customization is one of the primary design goals for Diablo III. Players will have many ways to customize and build each of the five character classes, including…
You will encounter three followers on your journey in Sanctuary; the Templar, the Enchantress, and the Scoundrel. The Templar is a heavily armored, tough character that can be specced…
These heroes aren’t hidden off the beaten path; their stories entwine with yours, and you’ll encounter them all as you traverse the lands of Sanctuary. Each follower has his…
Funcom has always stressed the importance of horizontal progression being much more important than the vertical in The Secret World. Players might begin with a certain build, or a…
In regards to Diablo III—- all I can say is “you ain’t heard nothing yet!†The overture was conceived of as a way of making a big impression on…
Folks interested in learning more about Spirit Tales will want to head over to the official forums to check out a user interview with an "as yet unnamed Spirit…
the updated skills we’ve seen make the Barbarian much more dynamic - not merely a piece of meat, but a piece of finely trained, combat-honed meat - the filet mignon…
The Barbarian was Diablo II’s ultimate melee badass, and the only class that could dual-wield. He’s back with a beefy update, but many of his old attacks have been seriously…
for instance, can slam a wall in the Forgotten Tombs to make it collapse on and eliminate a crowd of walking dead. When he lunges into a wall, rubble falls…