New PvP Server Added: Feral ValleyNew PvP Server Added: Feral Valley


Fond of your server’s PvP ruleset but not fond of its login queue? Good news! We’re adding a fourth PvP server, Feral Valley. This new server will be accessible at 12:00 PM Pacific on April 29 (otherwise known as shortly-after-this-news-post). You’ll be able to make new characters on Feral Valley immediately. Want to continue your existing character? Not to worry, you can relocate your characters from Valley of Titans, Jagged Coast, or Basilisk Crag to Feral Valley when server transfers become available live on April 30, a free service as it helps to balance server populations.our general method for tera  power leveling :kiiling monster, select the character which most coincide with their hobby, hand over the account to our company,and we we will finsh their order via brand-new precautionary measure,so any accident happended during the period of power leveling:suspension,banning,or compromised account will not existed

To help with this balance, we’ll also be temporarily suspending new character creation on the Valley of Titans and Jagged Coast servers for accounts that do not already have characters there. These accounts may be able to enter the queue for those servers but will not be able to create characters on them. Accounts that have characters on those servers will be able to create new ones on them. Look for the new Feral Valley forum section in just a bit!