Diablo 3 mourning the role has fallen

Grimiku:I feel that if you can find a place to find yourself a hero killed ta’s body,

such as “the remains of fallen heroes.” Then you can get some small amount of gold

coins or documented. This way you can miss you killed in the game hero, and you can

not get your body from which the goods so to go.If you say, your hero killed in

tragic purgatory difficulty of the original MP3, MP2 in purgatory then under that

place, you can find a pickup (only a few coins / File) remains of the fallen heroes,

and with you before the names of fallen heroes.
enter image description here
This is a very interesting idea, and get Diablo 3 community manager Grimiku praise

and feedback records. Perhaps, compared to the Valhalla and community forums, we now

have more and better ways memory of our dead heroes.Do you have any other methods on

the idea of fallen heroes miss it? Welcome you in a review to express their views!

Grimiku:I feel that if you can find a place to find yourself a hero killed ta’s body,

such as “the remains of fallen heroes.” Then you can get some small amount of gold

coins or documented. This way you can miss you killed in the game hero, and you can

not get your body from which the goods so to go.If you say, your hero killed in

tragic purgatory difficulty of the original MP3, MP2 in purgatory then under that

place, you can find a pickup (only a few coins / File) remains of the fallen heroes,

and with you before the names of fallen heroes.

I do not know if this is feasible, but it looks this way cherish the memory of your

former hero is a very interesting, and I would like to know expert mode to see how

the players community.Thank you for your suggestion! In my view this is a very good
