Since the day when Blizzard declared to release around 600 employees of it, fear ran across Diablo fans about possibilities that the company would postpone the release dates of Diablo 3. But to the contrast of what the game lovers presumed, the company announced that the sending off of the employees won’t hamper the release of the game in any way. The announcement came out to be good news to the game lovers, as the game’s release already suffered various setbacks earlier.
But the setback to real game lovers lies in the situation where hundreds of technical developers’ job is at stake. It’s weird to imagine now that the brains involved in making of the game for years, are now experiencing a tough phase in their career. So is it justified to think about the release of the game, when
so many worthy brains behind the game are at stake?
Blizzard’s President, Mike Morhaime gave oversized manpower as the excuse for the release of the staffs, and concluded that the team would be hardly affected with the layoff. With reference to the presumed release date of Diablo 3 coming in by the end of first quarter of the year, Morhaime was found to be optimistic regarding some details about the game’s release to be announced in the coming weeks. Moreover, some changes including upgrades and streamlining too were observed during the last week. This means the company has pulled its socks up to release Diablo 3 soon